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August 21, 2013
PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting ---  August 21, 2013

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Vice Chairman Jon Fudeman. Present were: Ann Neuburg, John Mirick and Richard Bisk. Tom Daly was absent.

Administrative Business
Board voted all in favor to approve July 17 regular meeting minutes.

The board voted all in favor to appoint Jon F. as Princeton Representative on the CMRPC and will ask Selectmen to appoint Ann N. as alternate.

Jim Camp, 58 Mountain Road came in to ask the board’s opinion of his proposal to lease his property for weddings/functions. These would only be outdoor affairs with a large tent, port-a-potties and valets parking the cars to off-site locations such as church parking lots and the Mountain Barn.  He cited similar examples in the R-A zone such as Harrington Farm, Fernside and The Inn at Princeton. John M. checked  the zoning for uses allowed in the R-A zone.  While a bed & breakfast operation is allowed by special permit under the limitations listed under Section XVIII, 1., (B), (1), a commercial use such as function facility is not allowed by zoning. John M. noted that acquiring a variance for that use might be difficult. Mr. Camp was advised that, if he wished to continue with this project, he would have to present a proposal to the building inspector. If it was denied because of zoning, Mr. Camp could then seek a “use variance” from the ZBA. Jon F. warned that any variance is subject to very strict requirements.

8 PM  The board received by email a copy of the updated Open Space & Recreation Plan (dated December 2012) and after some discussion, agreed to support the plan update and reviewed a sample letter. Marie will forward the letter of support on behalf of PB members.
Referring to the Worcester Road project, John M. offered to provide some zoning options for the next meeting on Sept. 4. Board members briefly discussed logistics and dates regarding the Worcester Road project. Jon F. recused himself as a neighborhood resident from general discussion on the matter.  On Sept. 4, the board will target a future date for the next public meeting, when residents will be notified by postcard.
Board members discussed several confusing aspects of Zoning Bylaws Section XVII, 1. Accessory Apartments. In 1., B), (3)  the limit on area is described as “shall not exceed 900 sq. ft. or one-third of the gross living area of the dwelling…”  the board agreed to substitute: “shall not exceed 900 sq. ft. or one-third of the resulting gross living area--whichever is greater.”  Town Counsel Judy Pickett had pointed out that zoning requirements cannot be “waived,” so the board agreed to delete the word “provided” and the rest of the words following it under the same XVII  1.  B)  (3). Also, replace “rent” with “make use of” in B)  (10). Also, in B)  (1), change to “showing location of all buildings on the lot. Also, Section III, 1. (G) has typos that need correcting. Marie will create a Track-Change Word file to show corrections.
8:35 PM  All voted in favor to adjourn.  
Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:  Princeton Zoning Bylaws; sample letter of support

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department